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Back to News ListEnd of term report - Year 11 - Mr Dunne
Posted on: 19th DecYear 11 – what is still to come…
Thank you for all your hard work this term. Please find below dates for key events coming up next term.
Friday 10th January – Mock result assembly, this is when students will see what that achieved in their mock tests
Progress reports will go home to parents on this day.
6th form taster day – students off timetable.
Tuesday 14th January – Parents evening for all year 11 students
Thursday 16th January – student mentoring day – student talk to tutors about careers and destinations
Monday 20th January – 6th form application deadline for the Downs School
Tuesday 21st January – ASK – general assembly about apprenticeships
Tuesday 4th February – XTrac apprenticeships assembly
Wednesday 11th March – Progress reports to parents
Reviewing understanding, Remembering more, Revision of examination technique timetable January 2020.
Below shows upcoming revision/ remembering session that students are welcome to attend. Please note not all subjects are running sessions and some subject leaders will contact parents directly when needed.
A |
Applied learning coursework catch-up RM D3/Ted, Drama DR3 |
Block A Geography GT26, GCSE/CNAT Sport GT1 |
Biology (Triple and top set combined) |
Block B Media GT28, Graphics D1, Textiles D8, History T3, Music MU1 Drop-in revision for German and French |
Block C Art D4 |
English |
Block D Textiles D8, RM D3 Chemistry |
Mathematics GT17 |
B |
Applied learning coursework catch-up RM D3, Drama DR3 |
Block C Geography GT26, GCSE/ CNAT Sport GT1 |
English Biology (Triple and top set combined) |
Block D Media GT28, Textiles D8, History T3 |
Block A Art D6 |
English Art D4 |
Block B Textiles D8, RM D3, Grphics D1, Music MU1 Chemistry |
Mathematics GT17 Art D4 |
Reviewing understanding, Remembering more, Revision of examination technique (Drop – ins, Targeted topics, Targeted students) January 2020 onwards.
Note: Bold writing state priority sessions for subjects.
Nb for the two weeks prior to ‘in year’ examinations in ART, MFL, PE, Drama/Dance the priority would be for students to attend preparations for these assessments.
I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Mr Dunne
Head of Year 11