General Election

Posted on: 4th Jul

General Election: Yesterday Mr Bartlett & students enjoyed a lively lunchtime debate ahead of our own school election on Thursday 4th July.

Mr Bartlett explained 'Taking part in the debate were Jacob (Labour), Will (Reform), Nathan (Conservatives), Sam (Lib Dems) and Tommy (Green). Each of the five candidates did their party and the school proud as they spoke passionately on a range of topics, including how their respective party aims to tackle the Climate Crisis, serve the NHS and improve education. Potential policies regarding immigration and taxation were scrutinised and explored.

Whilst candidates also articulated how their party would serve those with neurodiversity and promoted the leader of their party as a suitable candidate for the country’s top job!

A lively crowd were captivated and engaged by the candidates who showed how well informed and knowledgeable they were by supporting their answers with well selected data and relevant examples. Our student leadership team acted as deft and able question masters, fielding robust questions and managing the crowd well. It is safe to say that whoever wins on Thursday, every candidate has performed magnificently and has been an inspirational representation for their party.'

Debating is a skill we encourage on a daily basis, and their confidence is a testament to that.Image (42)

Written by Mrs Bennett




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