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Back to News ListEco Schools Green Flag Award for Second Year!
Posted on: 6th SepWe have only been back a couple of days but we are delighted to share that we have won the Eco-Schools England Green Flag Award for a second year!
The inspiring Eco Club were highly commended for their thorough action plan for the school, keeping our community informed through social media, our Headteacher's blog, work in the school grounds; notably with the Therapeutic Garden and our eco curriculum input. They were particularly complimentary about the Year 9 Eco Day.
"Eco Schools is such a great programme for motivating our students, focussing them on what's really important and how to make a difference. We have over 20 committed volunteers and we were commended for our work in reducing plastic waste, building a super bug house, and supporting our year 9 sustainable Eco Day. We are delighted to achieve this important award for the second year in a row." Mrs Hicks.
Congratulations to all the members of the Eco Club! If you wish to join this team, please can students contact Mrs Hicks in Geography.